Complications Matter
Sternal stability and healing plays a key role in reducing the risk of sternal complications, including deep and superficial sternal wound infections. In the SternaLock Blu Study, all sternal complications out to six months were evaluated, as they are significant clinical and economic events.
At six months, the overall sternal complication rate was 0% in patients treated with SternaLock Blu and 5% in patients treated with wire cerclage. These sternal complications resulted in multiple readmissions, 11 reoperations, and an additional 94 days of hospital stay.
An analysis of risk factors for sternal complications revealed that the only predictor of sternal complications in this study was the method of sternal closure, and patients closed with wire cerclage were 11.5x more likely to have a sternal complication than SternaLock Blu patients.
Information presented is a summary of study results and should not be construed as a substitute for reviewing the actual study itself. All results are comparisons to wire closure.¹

Patients treated with SternaLock Blu experienced fewer sternal complications.¹